Mehndi oil and store cones

Mehndi oil- mehndi oil is not at all derived from mehndi leaves. Essential oils are derived only  from aromatic plants like rosemary and lavender.
Essential oils cannot be extracted from henna plant. Many mehndi artists mix lavender,tea tree and cajeput oil and call the blend  as mehndi oil. If any person sells a product as mehndi oil please request them to tell the ingredients. If any seller tells that there is a secret ingredient and cannot be disclosed then please don't buy it. I will not recommend these kind of secret oils as there is more possiblity of adding paint thinner,solvents etc.  Ammonia can also be added in mehndi oil. It is believed that in Rajasthan urine of camel is added as it contains ammonia. Ammonia gives black shade. Home based ammonia when  added in water and hands or  legs dipped in water gives black shade. The same ammonia can be added in mehndi oil or hair dyes might have been added.

Mehndi cones
I have used store bought mehndi cones before. Nowadays, I don't use it. I believe that some chemicals must be added to it. I have once kept my practice mehndi cone in a book and closed it forgot it for a week. After a week, the mehndi bleeded on note and there was a big dark dot on note book on all pages. The henna cone became tight and I am unable to press and take henna out. However I tried my henna does not come out. Mehndi hardened and henna cone became tight. The colour of my proper henna cones changed color and darkened.


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